Home > English > Paintings > 2002 - 2018: il Tempo and Others

The three large paintings showing Piazza Colonna, Piazza Montecitorio, and Piazza San Francesco d’Assisi (fig. 1, 2, 3) were realized for main premises of Rome’s daily newspaper Il Tempo at Palazzo Wedekind. They have been exhibited in 2008 at Rome’s Galleria 12/13, as part of the exhibition “Le colonne e il Tempo” introduced by Massimo Donà, Federico Vercellone, and Vito Calabretta.

The painting "Colli Euganei” (fig. 8) was realized for the 54th Michetti Prize, on the topic of “Homeland”

Some paintings have been renewed and revised in 2011/13.

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